Mittwoch, August 18, 2004

Who wants to join ECE Club IT Department?

Today begins my ECE Club member recruitment drive. So whoever wants to join my IT Department, please give me a message. Lots of CCA pts oh ^_^ (depends on how much you are going to bribe me)

Finally with Liuchang's help, I understand what lamda calculus is.

And I sent my hostfamily the photos today. Hope they like it :P

Whoops, I discovered that my frequency of writing blog is decreasing......I will let it get stable.

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

err.. sigh.. a bad DAY for me.. My laptop crashed in the middle of the night.. so decided to reformat it but then only i discovered that the recovery cd provided by IBM is co outdated!.. hehe never do enough planning and mainenance .. that it's the consequence..

hehe since today a bit frustrated.. so i plan to miss all the lect today.. sill resume to attend tomolo's lect.. got to read all the readings also.. (spent like 4 days to read 10 pgs or the first one)

okk.. ya lastly, dear Mr Cai! no need to keep up the frequency of blogging la, since if you keep up.. i will also try to keep up.. and the little gal also will (i think) hehe.. life is returning to Normality.

All the Milo fr the Milo Truck

Anonym hat gesagt…

err.. sigh.. a bad DAY for me.. My laptop crashed in the middle of the night.. so decided to reformat it but then only i discovered that the recovery cd provided by IBM is co outdated!.. hehe never do enough planning and mainenance .. that it's the consequence..

hehe since today a bit frustrated.. so i plan to miss all the lect today.. sill resume to attend tomolo's lect.. got to read all the readings also.. (spent like 4 days to read 10 pgs or the first one)

okk.. ya lastly, dear Mr Cai! no need to keep up the frequency of blogging la, since if you keep up.. i will also try to keep up.. and the little gal also will (i think) hehe.. life is returning to Normality.

All the Milo fr the Milo Truck

Anonym hat gesagt…

err.. sigh.. a bad DAY for me.. My laptop crashed in the middle of the night.. so decided to reformat it but then only i discovered that the recovery cd provided by IBM is co outdated!.. hehe never do enough planning and mainenance .. that it's the consequence..

hehe since today a bit frustrated.. so i plan to miss all the lect today.. sill resume to attend tomolo's lect.. got to read all the readings also.. (spent like 4 days to read 10 pgs or the first one)

okk.. ya lastly, dear Mr Cai! no need to keep up the frequency of blogging la, since if you keep up.. i will also try to keep up.. and the little gal also will (i think) hehe.. life is returning to Normality.

All the Milo fr the Milo Truck