Mittwoch, August 25, 2004


I got my 2nd tuition yesterday. It is at Simei!(which takes about 1.5 hrs to get there from NUS) But the pay is ok, and most importantly, the girl is quite pretty! So I decided to accept this tuition. hehe......

China's men's basketball team was so great! However, the gymnastic team is not doing so well, actually, they are experiencing a disaster. Hope they will come back in 2008. On the whole, everyone is quite pleased with the performance of china right now. Keep it up, China!

The pace of school's life is getting faster as the tutorials open. My time is less with the two tuition assignments I have. Hope I can survive well.

And anyone got some new gossips? pls come here to broadcast.

3 Kommentare:

Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

i also want tuition

Anonym hat gesagt…

envy envy... the money you earn form a single tuition is more than my 2 tuitions combined hehe.. good good... haha

anyway.. study hard... everyone.. !!! esp.. you.. hahah you you you and you!!! all the you!!! you out there..
(consequence od studied too much.. YOU la!!!!)


All the milo from the milo truck

Anonym hat gesagt…

Well... sorry for posting so many times.. hehe for those who visit this site frequently and read MY COMMENTS haha this is the reward..!!!


exhaustive list of all bad words, words with sexual meaning, or whatever it's bad..

enjoy learning for Lern Alles!
