Dienstag, August 03, 2004

New Photos

I went to Coorp Day of SoC, got one free lunch. And also got impressed by vice president of IDA. Very talented speaker. (But reminds me of the sad experience of IDA scholarship)

Today met bk, kk, chengho, yingchao and rongjia. So I got a fresh intake of photos from them and also the raw videos from yingchao. prima!!!!

Leeying never comes cos she was damn damn tired because of dont know what reason.

Who is Julius' secret admirer? Is it himself? or someone who desperately demands some photo from yingchao?

Ok, enjoy the new photos!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

hey!! i didnt _desperately_ demand the photos k?! yingchao spoiled my reputation~~

比窦娥还冤的人 T_T

Anonym hat gesagt…

mehr fotos von julius! mehr fotos von julius!

auch julius' secret admirer hahaha