Donnerstag, August 12, 2004

Chengho ist verliebt

hehe. as my title suggests, chengho ist verliebt. However, i cannot review who the lucky girl is. sorry. but wish him a success!

today i met yanting, which absolutely suprised me, cos she is still ALIVE! so ein mist! (joking...hehe)

and I played pingpong today though I have not been playing for centries, I am still strong enough to beat everyone. ^_^

tmr meeting yanting, bk and merck. lol

and yuzhen is terribly sick. whoever wants to bully him, better now. he lives in blk 10, level 10 , room B , PGPR, NUS.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

oh my goodness.... oh my goodness.. hehe.. ya secret shall not be revealed k.. wish me luck? i need tt.. thanks..

anyway... yuzhen sick? wah.. so bad ah. ok... hope you recover soon.. cos "WE" need you. ;)

anyway.... yanting? i met her too in sci.. oh ya.. abit so ein mist.. i met her on my unlucky day (today) really.. err.. a bit.. hehe.. qiao3..

All the milo from the milo truck