Donnerstag, August 19, 2004

Not in a good form today

Today is not my day. My mind is not working the whole day for unknown reason just like China lost one chance after another for unknonw reason.

And I walked from Central library to KR, and surprisingly, the bus was slower than me. Moral of the story, walk in NUS.

Chengho is going to use chinese office, good luck with chinese......:P

Leeying ist wieder einmal glucklich , warum? keine Ahnung.

Ok, ich muss jetzt arbeiten.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Warum bin ich glücklich? Ich weiß es auch nicht! Haha.. Bist du glücklich auch? Du sollst..

Anonym hat gesagt…

eee... hehe discovered another person who visits this site regularly. and now pple like to use anonymous liao.. for more privacy hehe...
yupe missed this blog cos my laptop crashed. but then it's all back to normal liao.. and i will not anyhow install programme anymore...

anyway.. NUS term is getting more hectic.. so..


Survive We MUST, Living Happily (by practising Deutsch) We Should

All the milo from the milo truck