Samstag, August 21, 2004

I am ill

Today I was ill, dizzy all day. But now after playing basketball, i feel so good, except my finger is still injured. So probably, for the next week, I can not play any basketball. Sad......

ECE Club AGM was quite good.

Chengho sent me a very good mtv today. I shared it at[1].wmv

China got 17 golds, not as good as I expected, and today and tmr are the closing dates for china cos the rest of games do not belong to China.

Surprisingly, Japan got 12 golds!!!!! What the hell!!!!

4 Kommentare:

Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

Endlich kannst du kein Basketball spielen. woohoohoo. ach so, endlich habe ich dein Blog geguckt.

Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

Außerdem konnte ich den MTV nicht gucken. Warum??? ich will den MTV gucken!!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

eee.. chromide? are you green or are you orange?

must be either bk or charles... think should be charles???

the mtv is a chinese 校园歌曲 comptetion winner.. so.. quite nice.. laolang keep singing nice songs..


All milo from the milo truck

Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

chromide is xiaoyan, du Doofe. and it's not orange,it's not green. it's colorful.