Montag, August 30, 2004

More news

Hmm....was ist heute passiert?

- Yingchao was waiting at the bus stop with XXX. Any spacks between Yingchao and XXX? lets wait and see.

- "Zoe mit Z" is now the new name for ziyun.

- "When it is dusk, sun shines" said by yanting, the very truth on the earth.

- BK expressed his hatred towards his "damn cats" in front of the class, in german.

- Merck discovered my secrets with my traumfrau.

- Lee Ying did not come......

- Xiaoyan walked to central from arts to take A2 while we took the same A2 from Arts. Warum? Weiss ich nicht. Ihr Kopf funktioniert anderer als unser.

- Keshi said operating system's tutorial is easy. My gosh......

Samstag, August 28, 2004

what the hell!

WTH!!!!!! China got 28 gold so far! Alot more than I have expected! Liu Xiang, the first china gold in men's track and field! WTH!

Regarding my traumfrau(dream lady) mentioned below, the reality is I dont have a fixed one, haha. Sometimes it is Cecilia Cheung, sometimes it is Xu Jinglei, sometimes it is Jeniffer Aniston. And the half german half chinese girl in my german tutorial class is also not bad, she has the potential to be on my traumfrau list. Hohoho......

Good luck for china's women volleyball!

Freitag, August 27, 2004

List of things i have done today

Watch "the west wing"
Brush teeth
Thinking of my traumfrau(dream lady)
Wake up
Brush teeth
Dress up
Eat with liuchang
ST2131 Lecture
Meet Leeying
Cs3212 tutorial

Mittwoch, August 25, 2004


I got my 2nd tuition yesterday. It is at Simei!(which takes about 1.5 hrs to get there from NUS) But the pay is ok, and most importantly, the girl is quite pretty! So I decided to accept this tuition. hehe......

China's men's basketball team was so great! However, the gymnastic team is not doing so well, actually, they are experiencing a disaster. Hope they will come back in 2008. On the whole, everyone is quite pleased with the performance of china right now. Keep it up, China!

The pace of school's life is getting faster as the tutorials open. My time is less with the two tuition assignments I have. Hope I can survive well.

And anyone got some new gossips? pls come here to broadcast.

Montag, August 23, 2004

Great China!

China has won its 100th gold medal in Olympics game! And China has got its first gold in tennis!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable!

Ok, i shall go back to work. happy birthday to yanting!

Samstag, August 21, 2004

I am ill

Today I was ill, dizzy all day. But now after playing basketball, i feel so good, except my finger is still injured. So probably, for the next week, I can not play any basketball. Sad......

ECE Club AGM was quite good.

Chengho sent me a very good mtv today. I shared it at[1].wmv

China got 17 golds, not as good as I expected, and today and tmr are the closing dates for china cos the rest of games do not belong to China.

Surprisingly, Japan got 12 golds!!!!! What the hell!!!!

Donnerstag, August 19, 2004

Not in a good form today

Today is not my day. My mind is not working the whole day for unknown reason just like China lost one chance after another for unknonw reason.

And I walked from Central library to KR, and surprisingly, the bus was slower than me. Moral of the story, walk in NUS.

Chengho is going to use chinese office, good luck with chinese......:P

Leeying ist wieder einmal glucklich , warum? keine Ahnung.

Ok, ich muss jetzt arbeiten.

Mittwoch, August 18, 2004

Who wants to join ECE Club IT Department?

Today begins my ECE Club member recruitment drive. So whoever wants to join my IT Department, please give me a message. Lots of CCA pts oh ^_^ (depends on how much you are going to bribe me)

Finally with Liuchang's help, I understand what lamda calculus is.

And I sent my hostfamily the photos today. Hope they like it :P

Whoops, I discovered that my frequency of writing blog is decreasing......I will let it get stable.

Dienstag, August 17, 2004

birthday celebration for yingchao, arifin, bk and weiyao

What a great starting german lecture! Almost all darmstadters are in my group! Prima! And also we had a great birthday celebration for our dear Yingchao, Arifin , BK and Weiyao! Happy birthday to all of them! Hope they enjoy the cake! hahah.... though a bit pity that yanting did not join us.

CS3220 notes is killing me! It is my first time that after reading the notes I have no idea what I am reading about! Either my mind is not working properly or the stuff on the notes are non human understandable! Hope I will understand fully tmr, I hate being blurred.

And now china got 7 gold, not good enough. Esp china's men's basketball team. It disappointed me a lot!!!! If they do not have the gut to face challengers, then do not go the Athens! What's the point of playing if they dont put all their energy in? Shame on them!

Samstag, August 14, 2004

Wang Yifu again!

All those chinese people should know this great air piston player of China, Wang Yifu. yes, to most of my friends' surprise, he is still alive and moreover he got a gold medal today for China! He started representing China since I had memory. Incredible player!

Sorry for chengho, by the time you sent your message I was at the court playing basketball already. Though my body was not in good condition today, I still played for 3 hrs. So now I am half dead.

lastly, all the best for China!

Freitag, August 13, 2004

I was surprised that Julius , Arifin and Yingchao are taking the same stats module with me. Can gay somemore liao......

Well, I also met chengho, yanting, bk , leeying ,lao merck and keshi today. Found out they are all well. Wish them a good start of this new semester!

chengho conqure your 7 modules just like u conqure ur berlina!
bk continue downloading deathmatch!
leeying find your traumman in reality!
yingchao go kopitiam more often to familarise urself!
Arifin pls let me chong some gym session!
julius come to science more often to watch mm with me.
merck help me bully yuzhen!
keshi sorry about forgetting u at first, hehe. wish u a happy sem with 2 modules same with julius......:P
yanting good luck for your singing and studying, and hope you know that what i wrote about you is not crab.

ok. pls comment also ^_^

Donnerstag, August 12, 2004

Chengho ist verliebt

hehe. as my title suggests, chengho ist verliebt. However, i cannot review who the lucky girl is. sorry. but wish him a success!

today i met yanting, which absolutely suprised me, cos she is still ALIVE! so ein mist! (joking...hehe)

and I played pingpong today though I have not been playing for centries, I am still strong enough to beat everyone. ^_^

tmr meeting yanting, bk and merck. lol

and yuzhen is terribly sick. whoever wants to bully him, better now. he lives in blk 10, level 10 , room B , PGPR, NUS.

Mittwoch, August 11, 2004

New Semester

Although it is only the very first week of this semester, I kinda feel the original NUS life is gradually coming back to me. Printing notes, buying text books, reading, mugging(though I have done none of them so far, I feel the urge to do so).

I would like to buy a photo frame for my hostfamily, however, the one I bought today does not really fit my photo. So I have to buy a new one. Hopefully chengho will get it for me. thanks in advance.

Just asked xuxiao to marry me, for the very first time in my life to ask a girl to marry me. (although that was purely a joke, cos she said she does not know how to reject people) And of course, got rejected. But I earned a treat from her which was my original intention. haha......

I hope sooner or later my life will be back on track. for now, still in the transition phase , from slacking to mugging.

And sorry for no photos these days cos really there are no photos.

Montag, August 09, 2004

End of National Day

Ok, i did not went into ececlub room because when liuchang forgot to bring the key!!!!!! But basically, apart from the printer, everything is on the right track.

And for my very first time in my life, I have bought a non-pirated version of software. I was defeated by xuxiao who was desperately selling the product to me. BE AWARE OF PRETTY GIRL'S POWER!

I went to play soccer this afternoon, for the first time since I was in NUS. Apparently I was as lousy as expected. HAHA!

Chengho told me that everyone is working on the video except me......maybe i was too obsessed by my diablo world.

National Day

Today is Singapore's National Day. I wish all Singaporean a good holiday.

Yesterday I forgot to write my blog, sorry for all readers. ( I guess only Chengho, hahaha). I played Diablo II too much because lack of interest to study although I think it is time to begin to mug. I have plenty books on the shelf now and I hope I will read them, esp German books.

This afternoon, I will go and settle my ececlub server. I expect problems there because of the linux system it is running. Wish me good luck. After that, I can share photos with you all using that server.

Samstag, August 07, 2004

Back to RJ

I went back to RJ today, nothing changed there. I still know where the toilet is. wuhahaha....

china lost to japan, as I have relunctantly expected.

my german is still deteriorating.

chengho will have a deathmatch with me. I AM READY FOR HIS BLOOD! hahahahaha

leeying just signed in msn when i was writing this. so hello to her!

my amazon in diablo 2 is now level 38.

Freitag, August 06, 2004


Finally, my computer is back to normal! After having made a serious of silly mistakes when installing os as well as antivirus softwares, I finally get rid of all bugs and get my computer running normally.

However, for my dear friends, my photos are still not ready for sharing yet.

Just hope all are alive and well.

Mittwoch, August 04, 2004

Unlucky Day

I was so unlucky today. My computer, for the very first time, crashed down. Most probably is either my 3D card is burnt or virus kissed my computer. Now the difficult task for me is to extract all the important data out of my computer. I hope I can make it.

I spent the night at ktv with my german immersion friends. Chengho, xiao yan, keshi, lee ying, yanting, yingchao, arifin(not arafin), khim went down with me, though some only sat for a while. I enjoyed pretty much and i hope others also despite all my nasty songs. hahahaha....sorry for their ears. leeying was not too on maybe because she was tired. I hope she will get better. chengho became a girl when he sang. arifin also had his personal concert for singing dont know how many songs in a row, prima! poor khim still needs to sing for another 4 hrs....hope he is still alive tmr. yingchao took 77 without waiting, so unfair(cos we waited for 14 for 20 mins). xiaoyan went for ladies' night halfway, she enjoys pubs more. keshi sang very softly, as always. yanting came only for a while and hit me also. hehe, wish her a success in friday's performance!

ok, that's all for today.

Dienstag, August 03, 2004

New Photos

I went to Coorp Day of SoC, got one free lunch. And also got impressed by vice president of IDA. Very talented speaker. (But reminds me of the sad experience of IDA scholarship)

Today met bk, kk, chengho, yingchao and rongjia. So I got a fresh intake of photos from them and also the raw videos from yingchao. prima!!!!

Leeying never comes cos she was damn damn tired because of dont know what reason.

Who is Julius' secret admirer? Is it himself? or someone who desperately demands some photo from yingchao?

Ok, enjoy the new photos!

Minghui and his child...... Posted by Hello

Sleeping yanting(with cat)...... Posted by Hello

Sleeping Xiaoyan...... Posted by Hello

Sleeping keshi...... Posted by Hello

cool cool Arafin(Arifin)...... Posted by Hello

Leeying and my foot...... Posted by Hello

Chengho likes touching some body part of man...... Posted by Hello

Dear Frau Caspar Posted by Hello

rongjia waling in the rain Posted by Hello

bk shitting...... Posted by Hello

Yingchao contemplating...... Posted by Hello

Lao Merck sucking icecream Posted by Hello

bk and khim at opera house.  Posted by Hello

Montag, August 02, 2004

This is my new ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome all visitors!  Posted by Hello
Wah, so touched that many friends are reading my blog. Thanks all.

Leeying says must say sth good. ok. So i say : leeying is sth good. leeying is sth good. leeying is sth good. leeying is sth good. leeying is sth good. hehe. joking. For those who does not know who leeying is, here is a short description: Lee Ying(pronounce as li4 ying2),NUS Life Science Year 2, unattached, very good and caring girl.

And sorry bro Arafin, spell ur name wrongly. (whoops , again)

And apparently, there is a secret admirer for my Julius. (read the comments for the pic of Julius) Who is she/he?

I watched alot NBA short video clips today and so I am so gonna to play ball today!

Sonntag, August 01, 2004

A boring sunday

nothing much happened schönes wochenende ticket, no trip cos i am in singapore...

i flipped through the notes i got in germany, seems that i have a bad memory. my german is deteriorating...555

and i am damn tired after playing basketball every night since i came back.

dont know what others are doing. even chengho is not online now. strange.