Dienstag, September 14, 2004

running out of time

sorry for the previous short blog messages. reasons being: 1st, less time. 2nd, no gossip.

although today i recieved some gossips about XXX, I am currently not allowed to review it. but basically it is about XXX and XXX (or even more XXX). and XXX had a crush on XXX, then XXX talked to XXX. then XXX ...... yah, basically that's it.

and for the basketball match, we won again today. i played for 5 mins, 1 shoot(lost), multiple passes, 0 pts. haha. (though i was pretty in good form today, think if i turned up for more time, i sure could get more pts)

yup, i m starting to read xiaoyan's davinci code.

and i m still watching the west wing. highly recommended to those who would like to know how politicians work and decide all the big movements. pretty refreshing.

und ich mochte mir chengho kaufen.

xiaoyan and chengho challenged me to gao ding XXX whom i dont have any luft for now. hohoho......

yanting could be a good teacher.

i demostrated how to blow a gay whistle today , in front of all my classmates.....omg

ja, das ist alles fur heute. Comment bitte.

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ich bin zufrieden, dass du so lang ein Blog geschrieben hat! Applaudiert !

my commnent for this blog is...

first : even if you turn up for more time... i dun think you all can win many more la.. maybe less ..!

second : haha.. i dled West Wing till S1 E8 but no time to watch...

third : i am NOT weder for sale , noch for laon!

fourth: XXX is a nice and good gal... you better not touch her!!!!!! ;)

milo on friday engine day.. anyone?

Anonym hat gesagt…

who are XXX and XXX?

Anonym hat gesagt…

interested to know who XXX and XXX are....... keep the gossip updated

Anonym hat gesagt…






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