Sonntag, September 26, 2004

I am angry

I am seldom angry. But I am angry today. Some scholars, not PRC, not Malaysian, all pocess a distint boldness which I really do not know where they have summoned from. Commanding people as if they themselves are superior, critising others' work as if it is not work at all(furthermore, absolute unprofessional critisism). It was not the first time and it reached my bottomline. I was glad that liuchang was not there with me, otherwise today ececlub would be torn apart by us. Ivana is a good girl, she saved me from breaking out. Thanks to my sis.

Yah, i would like to thank xiaoyan for lending me the Da Vinci Code. I finished it. Thanks a million!

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

relax!!!! why so upset over these kinda things.. anyway heck care abt all those bloody non Malaysian non PRC scholars la... not that many pple welcome them...

yupe. sorry fell asleep so never check ans with ya.. ya i have moon cakes.. but dun have west wing...

下一个永远 ...

Anonym hat gesagt…

well, if i'm not wrong.. you're the boss right?

whatever it is, don't react to their ill behaviour, but respond in a logical manner. try to in your best possible way get your point across. after all you still need to work together right?

cheer up! :)

Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

you're welcome. Wenn die Scheiße bis zum Hals steht, bitte den Kopf nicht hängen lassen. :)

Eddy hat gesagt…

sounds like a demon from hell... 'where they have summoned from'.