Dienstag, September 07, 2004

A Happy Day!

Thanks all for wishing me a happy birthday!

Yes, I am now a 22(to Chengho, not 21!!!!), an old boy or a young man(older than liuxiang, which means more mature than he is). I hope I can do something good for the mankind in the following years, like to eliminate terrorists, to ensure world peace, to help africans.....basically, i hope the world will be a better place with my existence.

ok, as a routine, here are the things happened today:

- got birthday wishes from all of you, thanks
- zoey wore /***** CENSORED *****/ She looked amazingly attractive.
- chengho is still mine.
- among any 3 sentences said by xiaoyan, 1 will definitely be something related to liuxiang. z.B. "i saw liuxiang on tv yesterday"
- leeying's birthday today(one day after mine). hehe. so everyone must say happy birthday to her.

and sorry for all suzhounese. i dont have the time & money today to treat you:P so maybe next time ...... wu ha ha

3 Kommentare:

Eddy hat gesagt…


Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

apparently matureness and biological age are not that closely related.

Anonym hat gesagt…

helo.. yupe.. you are 22. and i was shocked to hear tt. pls be more matured. hm guess if you can be half as mature as liuxiang.. this world will be a better place.. so you no need to eliminate terrorists also.. see so easy... Kinderleicht!

ya and next i wanna make my stand. hmm.. you should be responsible for what you say.. haha ya.. anyway i shouldnt on your side... but.. ya. just my pt of view.

and lastly.. wah.. you never treat your suzhounees? walow.. tong2 xiang1 also no treat! if i am one of them i will kill you 10 times!

haha anyway good to know tt you site is visted 24/7

ya... hope you will achieve what you desire!

Milo for all