Sonntag, September 05, 2004

I deleted chengho's work

hahahahahaha, chengho's work is deleted by me! yeah!

oh ya, friends, take a look of what has happened in russia. terrifying!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

The world is becoming insane. Put a red rose in front of your msn nick if you have. Guess all we can do now is pray for the injured to get well soon. And those who have lost their loved ones to find peace.

Anonym hat gesagt…

terrorism .. good or bad? correct or wrong? i guess it's really hard to find an ans.. well one lesson that we definitely can learn from this -- life is precious and treasured when u live in SINGAPORE, it 's not so much treasured in other places. So you all (or we) are veri lucky bunch of pple..
