Mittwoch, September 22, 2004

My 6 Years in Singapore

I have been in Singapore for exactly 6 years and 2 days! How time flies!

From River Valley and Eton Hall, where we had our nightmare, to Raffles Junior College, where we faced the real challange of the day, to the Post A-Level recess, where we said goodbye to our friends, to NUS, where the ultimate boring life began, 6 years have been passed!

Alot happened, below are just some key moments in my 6 years:

Exciting Moments: 1st time land on Singapore. 1st time go back to China. 1st time in Germany. Making friends.

Frustrating Moments: Unable to tolerate the insane doctrine of Eton Hall and River Valley. Give up Cambridge due to financial burden. The first few days in NUS.

Thought I would have more to share, however, my mind is blocked cos too many to be shared. Hope those who have always been with me would understand all these.

Suddenly I feel like missing alot of friends, who were with me in RV and RJ. Apollo, Yuxi, Cao Ying, Li Ai, Tony, Bobo, Zou yi......just hope they are still alive...

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

yar, like you, i have also been quarantined here for long. regrettably, i may have to devote another two years of my golden age to this small island before embarking on a brand new life. frankly speaking, through the six years, i found myself very resistive and repellent to this place. and i feel more so today. i guess i can hardly persuade myself to love
this island, just like trying to love someone whom you don't like at the bottom of your heart. mais c'est la vie, and most of times, you just have to bear with it.

in retrospect, much of my energy was wasted to annul my strong dislike to singapore. i was once very depressed. i ceased to study. games(online inclusive), movies and skipping lessons constituted the major part of my life. but it didn't come without any price. my results in ri and rj suffered a lot from my abandonedness. instead i enjoyed my triumph over my success on online games. i guess a few insiders knew it. strangely enough, when i finally got some chances to leave this place, i forsook them all. it was due to various reasons. even myself couldn't construe my decision. at last, i ended up here in nus.

kids get mature as they grows older. something shocking happened during the longgggggggggg post A-Level recess. it changed my views of life a great deal. i guess i have told it to a few of my closest friends. it was about the way you look at things and your state of mind. it sounds simple but it took me long to comprehend. and i am still finding my way through.

hehe, i have written for so long. my mind is carried away by lots of my thoughts, just like u, donkey. i guess i should stop revealing my secret. (*grin*) sorry for those who don't know who i am. you can just ignore my comments.

friends are important. but it is not advisable to make too many friends. it makes you think uncritically and drains your energy. just treasure those whom you have taken your heart on them. =)

Eddy hat gesagt…

ah... my 7th year is coming...

Anonym hat gesagt…

donkey, who is the anonymous one ah? i should know him, right?
anyway, 6 years past and for us, it means a 15 years time together... wa... 15 years liao, such a long time...
anyway, still have to be here for another few years. not to like the place but at least learn to like the life here....

Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

wow wow wow so many of my sentiments have been echoed by people who've been through similar ups and downs. i absolutely can't imagine how i can love even the smallest bit of this place, or rather, the smallest bit of the people here. never seen a nation so boring and frustratingly ignorant and meek.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Everyone has a different story to tell...
Every fren has a meaning to be there..
and of course every nation has a damn whole long history to tell..

so.. for most of you who come from a big big country like China, US or India, first look at Singapore and you will say that it's worthless, it's just a red dot on this earth, life here is boring, pple here speaks with a "stupid" accent, and for those of you who are damn intelligent, you will be considering to go Cambridge, go to the world premier institutions to further your study..

yupe.. but for those who are born here, we (or at least me) look at this place differently, Singapore ius as unique as any other country in this world, and it has a story to tell, rising from a small Island in the Johor Riau empire, Mr Raffles discovered this place as the most strategic location for a port. yupe and so.. in the past, poor Chinese from South China migrated here lon time ago and what makes Singapore so successful in this world, i guess it's again the spirit of working hard inherited from their forefathers...

and so.. ask back the same qn.. why do you love other country than Singapore? the natural landscape? the people? the opportunities? and so i ask .. Why are we still here.. why are we STILL in Singapore? in this disgusting land of utter cleanliness.. it's obvious that we cant get whatever we want.. so.. why not live happily with the people ard you?

yupe.. Choice.. frens.. yupe agree with the first commetor ... make few frens who can have lasting frenship.. well people have a whole list of different reasons for making frens.. it's just to see which one is yours...

make full use of your day for it will never come back to you again....

Anonym hat gesagt…

I miss you guys so much!!! - Apollo