Freitag, September 03, 2004

I need more time

Although that I am taking only 6 modules this sem , which I had expected to be a lot easier and to have more leisure time, I literally have little time to study. Alot of other stuffs that take my attention, friends, cca...... I need more time.

Other things happened these days:

- Ziyun rejected me because she thought I had had an affair with Chengho......
- Alot of girls are fascinated by liuxiang. Sad......
- Do I really look at yanting diffrently from I look at others?
- Yingchao is going to bribe keshi with liuxiang's photo.
- I did 2 C++ assignments for 2 friends
- I received a gift from Lichi, so happy, and reminds me of the old good times

One another thing, I feel extremely insulted if people order me to do something which I find terribly inappropriate, esp when I dont know the person!

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Lately so many pple/ frens have so many probs.. like C++ Probs la... (just realised ard 10 of my frens taking this module) and then family prob la and whatever.. haha.. so yupe...

so i again.. is commenting this thing. this blog so called. and so.. haha Ziyun rejected u? hmm cos her heart is taken? opps... haha LiQi gave u sth? good old times? wow.. *ahem(dun kill me cos i copy your exp, ly) what did you "2" do?? haha. anyway.. ya as lately really think time flies, we are all growing up, experiencing the problems that adults face. so.. part of growing up.

Time flies, it's vocab time alredi
(and did you all notice i always talk abt serious stuffs?)

and soon this sem will be over "I can see the end coming" von Matrix Revolutions.. yupe..

and so.. for those who are feeling great! feel it! live it! for those who are the opposite ... hmm.. well look forward. dun ever turn back! haha.. yupe

and so.. next week? hmm what will happen next week le.. i dunno..


JohnCai hat gesagt…

1st , Lichi is a girl who is one of my best friends. She is definitely not Li Qi.

2nd, I want to thank all who visit this blog often. Really, Thank you!

Anonym hat gesagt…

hello.. yupe.. sorry for the misunderstanding of lichi -liqi.

just seent he olympics closing ceremony.. ya those who missed can get it from me also. ard 2 hrs of it.

ya.. and then Katze.. you mean Liuxiang changed to someone else? ops.. how can tt be? or you have another Traummann?


Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

liu xiang......i'm still not over him.

Anonym hat gesagt…

public apology to die katze.. not the verdammte one.


can i buy u a drink instead??