Dienstag, September 28, 2004

Tests coming...

Wish me good luck, everyone! tests are coming and i am not ready for them......
Today's scholarship dinner was excellent though i dont like the seafood there. But people are nice. I was also surprised to know that one middle aged gentleman, who was talking to me, has funded one scholarship under his own name at harvard university. and later i found out that he is vice CEO of DBS. and I also had not known a old man ,who told me how lovely suzhou is, is the chairman of PSC. I also met the person who is in charge of OCBC scholarship. and got the info that OCBC scholarship is 0 year bond! I wish I knew it earlier!

Sonntag, September 26, 2004

I am angry

I am seldom angry. But I am angry today. Some scholars, not PRC, not Malaysian, all pocess a distint boldness which I really do not know where they have summoned from. Commanding people as if they themselves are superior, critising others' work as if it is not work at all(furthermore, absolute unprofessional critisism). It was not the first time and it reached my bottomline. I was glad that liuchang was not there with me, otherwise today ececlub would be torn apart by us. Ivana is a good girl, she saved me from breaking out. Thanks to my sis.

Yah, i would like to thank xiaoyan for lending me the Da Vinci Code. I finished it. Thanks a million!

Freitag, September 24, 2004

Da Vinci Code

Every faith in the world is based on fabrication. That is the definition of faith - acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove. Every religion describes God through metaphor, allegory and exaggeration. Metaphors are a way to help our minds process the unprocessible.

Religious allegory has become a part of the fabric of reality. And living in that reality helps millions of people cope and be better people.

-- The Da Vinci Code --

Mittwoch, September 22, 2004

One more day

Recess is coming to the end.... so damn short.

Chengho is in Malaysia now. Hope he enjoys home.

From the comments below, it seems that alot of my friends are bored staying here. hehe. We should have more trips overseas.

All my singaporean friends, yingchao, leeying, yanting , bk, etc etc, if you are bored, you can come to my room to enjoy my favourite chinese folk songs. hehehehehe......

My 6 Years in Singapore

I have been in Singapore for exactly 6 years and 2 days! How time flies!

From River Valley and Eton Hall, where we had our nightmare, to Raffles Junior College, where we faced the real challange of the day, to the Post A-Level recess, where we said goodbye to our friends, to NUS, where the ultimate boring life began, 6 years have been passed!

Alot happened, below are just some key moments in my 6 years:

Exciting Moments: 1st time land on Singapore. 1st time go back to China. 1st time in Germany. Making friends.

Frustrating Moments: Unable to tolerate the insane doctrine of Eton Hall and River Valley. Give up Cambridge due to financial burden. The first few days in NUS.

Thought I would have more to share, however, my mind is blocked cos too many to be shared. Hope those who have always been with me would understand all these.

Suddenly I feel like missing alot of friends, who were with me in RV and RJ. Apollo, Yuxi, Cao Ying, Li Ai, Tony, Bobo, Zou yi......just hope they are still alive...

Montag, September 20, 2004

I have reorganised my room

My room is with a new look now. Welcome to vist!

Yesterday I watched goodbye lenin with Chengho. With the help of online story outline, we are able to comprehend the whole story. It is a humorous, but yet touching story. However, it is sad that the film is in German and without subtitles, otherwise I would like to share amony friends.

And I am still reading the highly praised novel , the Da Vinci Code. Yes indeed it is a very very exciting novel! Highly recommend to those who has not yet read it.

Recess week now. I have to study.

Freitag, September 17, 2004

Many people have asked me about this girl. She is not a star, nor korean. She is a friend of my friend(Shi Cong's). Are you in love with her? Posted by Hello

We lost

We lost in the semi final, though not totally unexpected. Our players are not close enough, in my opinion. Many of them are too used to play half court instead of full court. Anyway, it is just for fun and we enjoyed it.

Well, finally the long expected recess week is coming. However, besides study for the upcoming 4 mid term tests, I could possibly do nothing else. Recess week is my revision week, in every sense.

Xiaoyan is going to buy something in holland village. Rich girl.

Hope Emma has forgotten what she saw yesterday.

Chengho is online, immer.

And I also received one forwarded msg from yuzhen, think it is very good. I ll share it with you all.

> > > 往往许多人在抉择伴侣时,容易东想西想,不知所措,就是因为害怕一时做错决
> > > 诺贝尔文学奖得主萧伯纳说:「此时此刻在地球上,约有两万个人适合当你的人
> > > 爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要靠「际遇」,是上天的安排,但是「持续地爱
> > > 所以不要去追问到底谁才是我的Mr. Right,而是要问说在眼前的伴侣关系中,
我能努力到什么程度、成长到什么程度,若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就算真的 Mr.
> > >
> > > 若你此刻已有一位长久相伴的伴侣,不要再随便三心二意地犹疑了,我们往往不
> > >
> > > 在感情对待中,难免有摩擦与无心的伤害,而且论得罪自己的次数累加起来最多
> > >
> > > 但别忘了,新欢身上总是有不确定的未知数,旧爱身上就是有难得的熟悉感、确
> > >
> > > 所以萧伯纳的话,是要提醒情人不要太钻牛角尖于寻觅那唯一,应该把精神用在
福惜福 、活在当下
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 勇气
> > >
> > > 终于作了这个决定 别人说我怎么不理
> > >
> > > 只要你也一样的肯定 我愿意天涯海角都随你去
> > >
> > > 我知道一切不容易 我的心一直温习说服自己
> > >
> > > 最怕你忽然说要放弃 爱真的需要勇气来面对流言蜚语
> > >
> > > 只要你一个眼神肯定 我的爱就有意义
> > >
> > > 我们都需要勇气 去相信会在一起
> > > 人潮拥挤我能感觉你 放在我手心里你的真心
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 当你收到这封信后尽快的把它发送出去,至少发送给5个人,如果你未婚,那么
> > >

Dienstag, September 14, 2004

running out of time

sorry for the previous short blog messages. reasons being: 1st, less time. 2nd, no gossip.

although today i recieved some gossips about XXX, I am currently not allowed to review it. but basically it is about XXX and XXX (or even more XXX). and XXX had a crush on XXX, then XXX talked to XXX. then XXX ...... yah, basically that's it.

and for the basketball match, we won again today. i played for 5 mins, 1 shoot(lost), multiple passes, 0 pts. haha. (though i was pretty in good form today, think if i turned up for more time, i sure could get more pts)

yup, i m starting to read xiaoyan's davinci code.

and i m still watching the west wing. highly recommended to those who would like to know how politicians work and decide all the big movements. pretty refreshing.

und ich mochte mir chengho kaufen.

xiaoyan and chengho challenged me to gao ding XXX whom i dont have any luft for now. hohoho......

yanting could be a good teacher.

i demostrated how to blow a gay whistle today , in front of all my classmates.....omg

ja, das ist alles fur heute. Comment bitte.

Sonntag, September 12, 2004


48:41 we won.
my stats: 1 rebound, 1 steal, 1 pass, 2 minutes. haha......

PGP Basketball Tournament

I will be playing tonight in the tournament (As a bench) hahah. come and support me! I will slam dunk!!! wu ha ha

Donnerstag, September 09, 2004

New mail account

Please be informed that starting from today, my formal email account will be switched to :


And thanks to keshi for inviting me to gmail.

Dienstag, September 07, 2004

A Happy Day!

Thanks all for wishing me a happy birthday!

Yes, I am now a 22(to Chengho, not 21!!!!), an old boy or a young man(older than liuxiang, which means more mature than he is). I hope I can do something good for the mankind in the following years, like to eliminate terrorists, to ensure world peace, to help africans.....basically, i hope the world will be a better place with my existence.

ok, as a routine, here are the things happened today:

- got birthday wishes from all of you, thanks
- zoey wore /***** CENSORED *****/ She looked amazingly attractive.
- chengho is still mine.
- among any 3 sentences said by xiaoyan, 1 will definitely be something related to liuxiang. z.B. "i saw liuxiang on tv yesterday"
- leeying's birthday today(one day after mine). hehe. so everyone must say happy birthday to her.

and sorry for all suzhounese. i dont have the time & money today to treat you:P so maybe next time ...... wu ha ha

Montag, September 06, 2004

Great News!!!!!! I am 22 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us celebrate the most famous, handsome, well-respected man-of-the-universe Mr. Cai Junfu's(who is me) 22nd Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonntag, September 05, 2004

I deleted chengho's work

hahahahahaha, chengho's work is deleted by me! yeah!

oh ya, friends, take a look of what has happened in russia. terrifying!

Freitag, September 03, 2004

I need more time

Although that I am taking only 6 modules this sem , which I had expected to be a lot easier and to have more leisure time, I literally have little time to study. Alot of other stuffs that take my attention, friends, cca...... I need more time.

Other things happened these days:

- Ziyun rejected me because she thought I had had an affair with Chengho......
- Alot of girls are fascinated by liuxiang. Sad......
- Do I really look at yanting diffrently from I look at others?
- Yingchao is going to bribe keshi with liuxiang's photo.
- I did 2 C++ assignments for 2 friends
- I received a gift from Lichi, so happy, and reminds me of the old good times

One another thing, I feel extremely insulted if people order me to do something which I find terribly inappropriate, esp when I dont know the person!