Donnerstag, April 28, 2005

JPMorgan or Credit Suisse

So now I have a choice to make, JPMorgan or Credit Suisse? In terms of company's quality, both are highly rated investment bank, so that's not what I concern now. I probably will be doing webpage design in JPMorgan , and for Credit Suisse is J2EE application and some internal Perl scripts. So Credit Suisse offers a better and enriching job. JPMorgan on the other hand, according to others' experience, will be offering normmaly > 1000 salary whereas Credit Suisse offers only 600. (Though money is of my secondary concern, sometimes I just need them)

So which shall I pick????

Btw, I finished all my exams! Feel so free.....but my UROP prof wants me to stay at lab and do my UROP. Yup, so now I have to do my work.

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

jp morgan

Sabrina the Strawberry Shortcake hat gesagt…

so jealous. zhua jiu suan le.
bast**d, finish exams so early, hai lai qi wo, even worse.

Tony hat gesagt…

600 for developing J2EE apps? That's bloody 剥削。。。