Donnerstag, November 04, 2004


I have not been updating my blog for quite a while since the cs2103 project has occupied most of my precious time. This is the first time I handcode a gui system. Although tedious and torturing, it is not after all a vain work. I need to brush up my oo skills for large projects.

Loneranger dragged me yesterday to watch the international bridge olympiads game, between china and italy. I have not been playing bridge for a whole semester. Yet I found the players played the same sequence as I would have played. Conclusion: I am still able to play bridge. ^_^

USA presidential election was out. Many non-us citizens expressed their disappointment with the result on CNN. I have no strong feeling either against or for President Bush. As xiaosao pointed out, many people like Sen. Kenny because they dislike Bush. Well, who wins out, is not really important to us, I think. Because whoever wins, I still need to do my homework.

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