Donnerstag, März 31, 2005

I did not get the DAAD award, as expected

Today Mr. Ow informed us about the awardees of the DAAD award(which is $6000 for the exchange). As expected, I did not get it. 5 of my friends get it. Why? cos I said one thing - I am not interested in NUS for my postgraduates. There had been a struggle in my mind before I said it, whether to lie or not, cos I knew he would ask for reasons and I was sure the reason for it would not be something he wished to hear. After that, Mr. Ow seemed to be very "bu shuang" about me already. He kept asking me the reason for not choosing NUS and why am I studying here in the first place. And of course, I told him the truth - NUS is not good enough. I may have said the other way round, in order to get the award, but shall I?

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

You are the man.

freekids hat gesagt…

a man with principle.

Tony hat gesagt…

poor Donkey, so 无奈... purely depends on your priority, standing on your true opinion or just being practical.

Anonym hat gesagt…
