Samstag, Januar 08, 2005

Back in Singapore

My Japan trip has finally ended. Though it was only a 14 days trip, I was able to enjoy myself with my uncle's family as much as possible. My cousins are so lovely, though I have communication problems with them since I do not understand single Japanese. And the city of Tokyo has left me one extraordinary impression - 变态. It is a city which even when you are standing at 277m and having a birdeye view of it, you will never see the end of the sea of skyscrapers. God bless all the people living in Tokyo.

Now I am back. Watched Mr. Incredible - wonderful Disney moive, played Risk - wonderful strategy game. And now I am writing my blog....hehe....Hope tonight I can play basketball. But xiaose is not here to be trashed by me, disappointed....

1 Kommentar:

Eddy hat gesagt…

thanks for the movie, i downloaded it last night.
and stop talking like me, i am the one who thrashed you.