Donnerstag, Juli 29, 2004


Hehe....can't help me thinking all of these guys even this is the 3rd day after I came back. You are all just so LOVELY! I LOVE YOU ALL(guys and girls)!

Arafin: Bro Fin. "Hey, brother, let's chiong the train, worst is being chased off. Dont worry." National Geographic fan. Ambitious to conquer the whole Europa with gay army.

BK: Named after Burger King. Death Match Lover. Offers varieties of short funny video clips.

Lao Merck: Mo mo. Cold Jokes Teller. "BK went to BK to find BK." "Orange Julius." "How to achieve 0k by telling cold jokes." Our official tour guide. Love going ReiseZentrum and Information. Travel planner. His bags are always full with travel guides and endless foods.

Cheng Ho: He is mine. Tall guy, 1.87m, thinner than me. (yeah, yeah) Likes Bäckerei, Döner, Eis, basically everything edible. Did not wash clothes for the last 2 weeks in Germany.

Ming Hui: Architect. Cyclist. Arafin's No.1 enemy in Risiko. Has 2 babies, one boy, one girl.

Ying Chao: Director of the film of the year. Potential Best Actor. Living with Chengho. Had a little bad luck in Germany, but with my wish he will have good luck from now on. Drives an incridebily large Benz car.

Rong Jia: Likes to travel alone and disturb children in his host family. "Rong Jia kann nur den Hund verstehen." - from a 6-year-old girl. ^_^ Carries a big bottle of water.

KK: Einkaufer(buys a lot of things). Expert in difference between German and Malaysia houses. Draws very well. Pickpocketed by Khim. Living next to Khim. Asked chengho whether he is 0 or 1(chengho's answer: 0).

Khim: 1st person who slept at the train station! Bravo! Carries an extremely small camera. Living next to KK. Now blk 30 in pgp. Firmly claims not to be a gay, but has to be confirmed by gay detect expert yanting. (Ok, now more than 2 lines)

Julius: Ju Ju. Survived 4 weeks living with lao Merck, miraculous! Watches pretty girls, esp my Dani. Has an incredibly funny looking face when he in on camera. He is mine also.

Ke Shi: Dani's biggest secret admirer. Likes host family's cat. Likes to eat side dishes only. Claims to be fat and always wants to be on a diet.

Xiao Yan: Goes to toilet often on certain days. Likes travel alone. Likes eis. And trinks alcohol often. Goes to pub often also.

Lee Ying: Able to speak chinese with Beijing accent. Has a good habit of keep smiling. Once lived with 6 boys in one room. Made a miracle in Köln's toilet. Tells the difference between sanitary towel and panty liner.

Yan Ting - The Sassy Girl: Save the best for the last "I am so gonna to kill you!"(I will never forget this sentence. ^_^) Dont like to travel. Endless energy. Has a distinct way of laughing. Enjoy hitting me(probably more than my dad). Sings alot and VERY WELL(I like it). Plays piano and guitar. Likes muscle and protein which can talk. VERY considerate. In a nutshell, an incredibly tanlented and one of the best girl I have met.

6 Kommentare:

Eddy hat gesagt…

Haha, for once, you don't look stupid in the picture!

Anonym hat gesagt…

gutes Design, möchte ich nach Deutschland gehen. loneranger ^_^ haha

Anonym hat gesagt…

ich liebe auch WURST!! :D


Greenlamb hat gesagt…

My one only 2 lines!?!?!
Haha didnt know Cheng Ho didnt wash clothes for 2 weeks...

Anonym hat gesagt…

Yo, my name is A.R.I.F.I.N., spell correctly next time or feel the wrath of my gay army. Ming has felt the power of my army, although weakened, we fought to the end wt integrity!! =) keep on postin bruder! c ya ard in pgp.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wah lao... I only have like two sentences only?!
BK the GREAT leh... sianz....
can tell U don't love me