Samstag, Juli 31, 2004

Found out this pic when clearing my photo albums. I was around 6 with my parents. How time flies!  Posted by Hello

Freitag, Juli 30, 2004

NUS Life Starts again

After getting back from Germany and cleaning up my new room, everything is back to original. Hot and humid climate, msn all day, basketball at night.

Yesterday night my glass heart got broken by lee ying twice......55555.....Ying chao also ignored me most of the time....5555....haha, joking, they all had serious stuff to do. All the best!

Chengho had said that BK, KK and him would be on matric fair today. So I went there expecting to meet them. But only chengho was there...... got cheated.

Went to EA to visit xiangzi before having lunch with chengho. We ordered 3 dishes cos we still have the german appetite.

And Happy birthday to LI AI and Xiao Sao!

3am. Kallang Bridge. Julius. (Wahlangnei, so scary......) Posted by Hello

Gathering in chomp chomp on the very first day when I came back. We miss each other too MUCH. hahaha...... (And I think I was murdering BK in the pic) Posted by Hello

Donnerstag, Juli 29, 2004

Trying Applewine in Frankfurt. I was not drunk. Yingchao was going to.  Posted by Hello

Trying Applewine in Frankfurt. Yingchao was not drunk.  Posted by Hello

Gay kissing on the street of Koln. Posted by Hello

My departure.  Posted by Hello

Taking my last revenge. Posted by Hello

Departure of my friends in Frankfurt Airport.  Posted by Hello

Last trip to BASF at Lugishafen. A peaceful moment.  Posted by Hello

Last day of school. With my teachers in Darmstadt.  Posted by Hello

Our second last excursion - Mathildenh?he. Julius dislikes my camera.  Posted by Hello

The last Concord! And I climbed in! Sinsheim Museum.  Posted by Hello

The fastest land vehicle in 1970-1983. 1000km/h. Sinsheim Museum.  Posted by Hello

Triberg. The highest waterfall in Germany where Julius got his feet wet. haha.  Posted by Hello

Julius and intimate...... Posted by Hello

We are not gays! Posted by Hello

Committing suicide is the best way to get away from yanting.....(hehe, joking) Posted by Hello

Khim sleeping on a german stranger...... Posted by Hello

Khim, Lao Merck and me gaying in Freiburg.  Posted by Hello

Julius and I on the top of dont know what tower in Freiburg.  Posted by Hello

A sunny afternoon in Freiburg city centre.  Posted by Hello

Orangerie. Beautiful, but small park in Darmstadt.  Posted by Hello

Chengho in Hinkelsturm. Pity chengho in a cell...... Posted by Hello

Superwoman Yanting. Not tired at all after Philosophers Weg. Posted by Hello