Donnerstag, Dezember 30, 2004

RA photo

Me naked again. (in the centre, under the small waterfall)

Me NAKED. outdoor spa, bathing when snowing...... what else can be cooler?

My cousin

2nd time skiing

Me in hotel

Me with my cousins

My cousin(corrected by simon)

Me with my uncle

1st time skiing

Snow in front of my house

Dienstag, Dezember 28, 2004

Ueno Park

Xiao Se

Ueno, Winter, 4:30pm

a dont know what shrine......


Penguin Kissing


Japanese MM

Montag, Dezember 27, 2004

Sushi time with my brothers

Poster. (Look carefully)

Street of Light

Tokyo at night.

Shi Dai Chang. (Got faked statue of liberty)

Tokyo Tower

Me @ Qian Cao Temple

Me @ Qian Cao Temple.

Takashimaya @ Tokyo


Reflected sunshine on a skyscaper

Palace @ Tokyo

Sonntag, Dezember 26, 2004

shuai ge

my brother

yokohama's rainbow bridge

the biggest terris wheel in the world at yokohama

my two lovely brothers

@ yokohama zoological gardens

me with my uncle's family @ yokohama (in the world's biggest mo tian lun)

me again....inside a building....level 30.

tokyo sub way

tokyo sunshine tower , level 61

my lovely brother!

a street full of japanese food restaurants

a formidable city - tokyo

me at tokyo


Freitag, Dezember 24, 2004


after a tiring flight from shanghai->singapore->bangkok->tokyo, i finally arrived!!! it is not as cold as i expected, around 10 degrees. and people here generally wear less than in China. my brothers, i doubt, are cold resistant.

problem now is i dont speak japanese at all. need to bring my brother along with me. hehe. and mm here are really gooooooooooooooooooooooooood! and alot of adult channels to watch!! hahaha...... brother is running around in the house and shouting in japanese which i have absolutely no idea about.......

Freitag, Dezember 03, 2004

Going back home

Hello all. I am going back home soon. And I dont think I will be able to update my blog during this time cos China has banned Well, so just wish all of you a very good holiday!

For those who are going to SEP next semester like xiao sao, xiao se, wang fei, enjoy the great time overseas! Dont get laid too many times.

For those who are applying SEP like me, haha, enjoy module mapping and writing personal statements.

For those who decide to mug during the holiday like bointer , doreamon or loneranger, just make sure you all slack enough.

For those who decide to slack during the holiday, better do not sleep 24hrs per day. That is pig.

Ok, wish me an enjoyable holiday!

Donnerstag, November 25, 2004

竞猜-which pair of eyes is mine?

My eyes?

竞猜-which pair of eyes is mine?

My eyes?

Another MM(But actually is a GUY!)

Blue Collar MM